Formerly known as Inner City Tennis Clinics
The City of Cleveland, The Cleveland Clinic and various individuals made our launch possible in 2010. Since then a number of other companies have become annual donors of various levels and we’re actively looking for more so that we can expand our services for our participants.​
Tennis was once a major part of the Cleveland community
Cleveland hosted over 40 professional and amateur championships, four Davis Cup matches, and a professional Tennis team.
Once over 120 public courts spanned the city, now fewer than 40 playable courts exist citywide.
Beautification to the look of Cleveland
Promoting a future educated workforce increases the consideration of Cleveland for Business opportunities.
Overall contributes to the attraction for potential Cleveland residents.
Early Accomplishments and Growth
160 students
Produced daily reading and journal entries
Played 160 hours of tennis
Increased wellness awareness by 70%
240 students
Overall literacy improvement
Introduced Poetry Slam
Played 240 hours of tennis
Introduced Health Corp Curriculum
240 students
Produced daily reading and journal entries
Played 350 hours of tennis
Provided pedometers and healthy habit journals
Introduced a financial literacy course
East vs West Tournament
Match vs City of Cleveland Parks & Recreation
180 students/one site
38 students in Highland Hts Tourney
38 students to Western & Southern Cincy Tournament
750 volunteer hours
32% attendance growth
2013 TNT (Tennis and Tutoring) After School Program:
30 students for 35 weeks
4:00 – 6:00 Mon-Fri
Grades improved for all tutees
Indoor court time provided on weekends
Free shoes earned when students hit 5,000 balls
Fed Cup team visit
Over 200 students attended
Intro to new literacy curriculum
56 students to Cincy Tournament
44 students in Highland Hts Tourney
Incorporated sex ed via Gund Foundation in Wellness component
Introduced CWRU STEM Program
Partnered with Shepherd Institute
Intro to new fitness curriculum via Ginn Academy
Partnered with YOU (Youth Opportunities Unlimited)